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Mike Celebrates 10 Years With Us

Can you bee-lieve it?

Mike steve with cake

Way back in 2012, we took on a junior developer who showed loads of potential and enthusiasm. This week, Mike Watkins – a Magento specialist who loves bees – celebrated ten years with Si digital; an amazing milestone that’s really worth shouting about.

How it all started

Mike’s career progressed with the company and he’s now part of the senior management team. In this time, he has worked closely with numerous clients as project lead and has contributed towards all of Si digital’s major company projects. He says his proudest achievement is building and launching a new site for one client that was so successful it increased their yearly online revenue by 10x.

To commemorate Mike’s achievement, we presented him with a bee-themed cake and played a few games of Mario Kart and table tennis in the office, before heading into Southsea for lunch and virtual darts.  

Playing mario cart

Thanks Buddy

Reaching 10 years with one employer is fairly unusual these days, but when the chemistry is there, it’s there and we’re proud that most of the team have been with us for at least five years. 

We want to say a massive “congratulations and thank you” to Mike for all of his hard work, expertise and fighting robot know-how over the past decade. He’s a truly valued and much-respected member of the team.